The travel industry sees a lot of competition. Although things have mellowed out and slowed down in recent times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, things are starting to look a little bit brighter as more vaccines are rolled out across different countries.

In any case, knowing how to package various services to craft a very specific and memorable experience is a big part of the travel business. What seals the deal is being able to narrate that kind of experience from a marketing standpoint.
After all, it’s impossible to walk people through experiencing a location in a certain way if people don’t buy into your product, right?

Simply put, it is important to know how to differentiate yourself from the competition and utilize all the relevant resources to market your business in the most attractive way possible. At CM Tribe, we offer a diverse set of marketing tools that will elevate your travel business through the use of meaningful and sleek online content.

The role of content marketing in your travel business success

Content creation is the centerpiece of digital marketing. Gone are the days of empty commercials and bare facts as marketing tactics. This is the age of informative texts, digital graphic designs, and online video content.  It’s all about timely, relevant information and entertainment. 

Good content essentially means that not only do you attract people to your website, but also that they will stay and possibly yield conversion rates – referring to the instance where marketing turns into sales. In fact, recent studies show that businesses that adopt content marketing have six times the amount of conversion rates than those that do not.

Did you know that buy-ins through organic traffic and organic search stand at the top of the list? Alongside leads, and page views, organic traffic has been the way that people are able to test whether or not content marketing is effective. We make all of these possible through our approach to content marketing.

What are the different mediums of content marketing for travel businesses?


Blogs are a must-have in any travel website. Not only do they provide informative content, but they’re good for SEO too. Plus, publishing blog posts regularly means your brand is pushing out fresh content, which search engines definitely love. Blogs also provide ample backlinking opportunities to help grow your website domain authority and establish your online presence as an authority in the travel industry.


Video content is incredibly engaging compared to any other medium on this list. Because it’s a mix of audiovisual content, good video content can deliver an incredibly compelling response. Video content that’s instructive by nature can be very powerful as its visual elements can evoke different types of emotions from people. Whether these be inspiration videos, documentaries, explanatory videos, or brand films.


Even though podcasts take a certain amount of time investment, they are similar to blogs in such a way that people listen to podcasts idly. Hence, there is power in repetition. A strategic product placement in podcasts can be extremely powerful. Because if the brand is related to the product itself, what you have in your hands is a sea of audience that is willing to pay attention to your brand and industry.


Marketing through infographics and digital graphic designs is a delicate process. Whether or not people will pay attention to your infographics will depend on the set of information that is indicated there as well as its relevance. This is especially important when attempting to communicate how attractive a place is in the travel industry.

Statistics like low crime rates and relatively cheap prices of hotels, goods, and services are often good indicators for people that compel them to want to go to a certain location. Infographics that are good must be simple and relevant and will raise awareness around the context of your business.

Our Content Marketing Strategies That Generate Quality Traffic

Funneling down on an ideal target audience

As much as you’d like to appeal to everyone, this so rarely happens. Being able to identify your buyer persona and who are the people you want to buy your product is very important. For travel agencies, this is very important. Young adults for example would want a little more thrilling experience, whereas couples of a certain age group like serene environments.

Furthermore, destination-based travel articles that pinpoint the whos and the wheres are effective. Ask yourself what kind of relevant information your target demographic would want to know. Is it the hottest pubs, recreational activities, restaurants, or hotels? From this, you would be able to create nuanced content in your video packages as well as relevant SEO keywords in your articles.

Creating original content

The most relevant type of content marketing is through the creation of original content, especially through blogs and articles. While it may seem like visual mediums such as videos and infographics could relatively beat out articles, that simply isn’t the case for the survey conducted across marketers.

This could be because of the fact that several people across the globe do not necessarily want to spend data during idle travels or they simply do not watch with sounds on to be more aware of their surroundings. Articles are very easy to read and do not cost too much data to load.

Constantly developing insights from your sales

It’s always important to oversee what the consumer’s opinions are regarding your product. There is nothing more wasteful than spending money on a marketing strategy that doesn’t quite align with feedback. The contexts of travel agencies are constantly shifting and with these tides, you should also be constantly improving. This way you can create content that is extremely targeted and relevant to consumer opinions. Simply put, consumer insights ensure that the kind of leads and traffic that you get are quality and most likely to yield conversion rates.

Get started with quality content marketing and SEO for your travel business today!

At CM Tribe, we believe that travel is central to living a fulfilled life. We strongly share the sentiment that “life is not meant to be lived in one place.” As such, we pride ourselves on promoting travel to drive quality, tangible results. 

Get started with quality travel content marketing from CM Tribe today. Enjoy top-of-the-line text content, digital graphic designs, and online video content all in a single monthly package. 

Call us now at (+632) 8256 8084 or fill out our contact form.