Jobs That Might Disappear in The Next 30 Years

The norms change so fast and new types of jobs pop up and disappear all the time. Lately, there have been a lot of major events that could potentially shake up the future for the job market. The pandemic, economic recession, and of course, modernization, are just some factors that influence the disappearance of these jobs. Here are jobs that might not need human workers in the next 30 years.

1. Pricing analysts

In companies, human employees work with complex data to analyze market trends in order to set competitive prices for their products. A pricing analyst also takes into account consumer habits and studies patterns in consumer spending. Traditionally, a human does all this manually using Excel spreadsheets. According to Becky Beach, a web developer and blogger from, their company is working on an AI algorithm to do this job and replace human pricing analysts. Like most AIs, it will use machine learning to figure out competitive prices for its products.

2. Travel agents

In the age of the internet, so many things that used to be a hassle to do are now simplified, thanks to the internet. Travel agents primarily sell transportation, accommodation, and admission to activities to travelers. Of course, travel agents are the most convenient assistance for a trip as they take away most of the hassle of planning a trip and they book all these activities, transportation, and accommodation for the traveler(s). The problem is, travelers can do all of those online by themselves, especially the younger and tech-savvy ones. So why employ the services of one when you can do it yourself? Additionally, with the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the travel industry, travel companies would want to eliminate the human element as soon as they can, to save on costs.

3. Store cashiers

In a lot of major grocery chains, the cashier job has already changed while not being entirely replaced. This is primarily due to the proliferation of self-checkout lanes. Self-checkout lanes allow customers to pay for their items by themselves easily, thus replacing human employees. Also, this is another job that is in direct contact with customers and because of the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the speed at which this job is being phased out is higher.

4. Toll Booth operator

According to Saurabh Jindal of Talk Travel, more than half of the tolled highways, tunnels, and bridges in the United States have already adopted a cashless tolling system. Around 1,200 toll workers have been laid off due to this. This was even before the emergency importance of hygiene due to the COVID-19 pandemic and now during this health crisis, we may well be seeing the last toll collectors in the United States.

5. Lumberjack

The dangerous job of a lumberjack might soon become extinct due to a variety of reasons. Timber harvesting can now be done by highly efficient and advanced machines, rendering human lumberjacks unnecessary. Additionally, the world is working towards sustainability and thus trying to move away from wood. Foregoing paper products, humans have been gradually using more digital versions of papers.

6. Financial adviser

Financial advisers use their financial knowledge and expertise to create personalized financial plans tailored to the goals of their clients. They are also responsible to do regular checkups on their clients to evaluate the financial situation and adjust the plan accordingly. However, this industry is already experiencing the start of a revolution caused by the proliferation of robo financial advisers who use sophisticated algorithms to construct personalized financial and investment advice. They’re cheaper and more efficient and it’s not long before the human financial adviser is obsolete.

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