Countries with the best Covid-19 responses

Every country in the world has been hit with the Coronavirus Disease and there are millions of people suffering similar symptoms with various strains. This has definitely taken a toll on the global economy and spurred the record-breaking speed of vaccine development. Of course, every government around the world has had to deal with the infection but not all responses are equally efficient.

New Zealand

New Zealand has one of the best pandemic responses ever seen around the world. It can easily be proven by just how few the cases it has recorded throughout the pandemic. It has a lot of inherent advantages against the virus that other countries don’t have, though. One of them is the population size. As of 2021, they only have 4,860,643 people living in New Zealand. That’s only about a quarter of the population of New York City. Next is that New Zealanders worked together in preventing the virus from overwhelming their hospitals. But how did they actually respond?

With swift and aggressive lockdown measures and efficient mass testing, the island nation was able to keep the number of COVID-19 cases considerably less than other developed countries. The government’s science-based approach proved to be fruitful and the population did well to cooperate with its own government. According to the John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource, the country has had 2,645 cases and only 26 deaths.


The city-state’s quick and aggressive measures included strict monitoring, contact-tracing, lockdowns, and technology. Even though it was one of the first countries to be hit by the virus given its proximity to China, it was still able to keep the number of cases remarkably low. Besides all the major methods like contact-tracing, lockdowns, and testing, the Singaporean authorities also had some innovative ideas to control the spread. One of these was a robot dog deployed to patrol Singapore’s parks to make sure that people were socially distancing. However, it was only a two-week trial to see how people would react. So far, Singapore has had 61,505 cases and only 31 deaths, according to the John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center.

South Korea

Unlike the previously mentioned countries, South Korea’s battle with the pandemic wasn’t as smooth sailing. What makes South Korea similar to the previous countries though, is its early aggressive response that made it stand out as one of the model countries that effectively handled the pandemic. There were a few outbreaks that kept surfacing but the government responded by grappling them down before they could get alarming. An advantage South Korea has is the fact that it has experience in dealing with the MERS epidemic in 2015. This has allowed the major economic powerhouse, who also has considerable resources at their disposal, to effectively combat the spread of the virus. And of course the last advantage is the people who were willing to sacrifice comfort for the sake of eradicating the virus. Currently, South Korea has reported 130,380 cases and 1,893 deaths in total according to John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center.


Being the country that’s the closest to the epicenter of a deadly global pandemic, odds didn’t seem too good for Taiwan. Despite all that, the self-governing island province managed to quell the flames of the pandemic and came out with only 1,290 cases and 12 deaths so far. The government banned the exports of surgical masks and used advanced sim tracking to ensure its citizens were following the rules. These measures were taken instead of shutting the economy for weeks, like most countries. Businesses were allowed to remain open but with aggressive precautionary routines like temperature checks and giving out mandatory sanitizers. Taiwan also had an excellent healthcare system and the medical officials briefed the public daily. All this cohesive and competent response is admirable and it’s not hard to see why Taiwan has been beating the virus convincingly. As mentioned, Taiwan has an impressive 1,290 cases and only 12 deaths, according to the John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center. Taiwan has one of the lowest number of cases in the world.

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